Rework Manifesto and an Invaluable Resource for Thinkers

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Remember that book Rework I love so much? Here's a manifesto (short & free) that has the heart of the book all wrapped up in 12 pages. You will love it, my favorite chapter is, obviously, Ignore the Real World.

The developer of this manifesto is a fantastic resource I came across. It's called ChangeThis (no affiliation). Innovators and thinkers unite, this is an awesome, awesome find. 

Here's what I'm reading if you're interested:

Business on a buck: Bootstrapper's Bible by Seth Godin (103 pgs)

See the trend: Instead of millions from a few, how about a few from millions? The Long Tail by Chris Anderson (30 pgs)

Optimism saves: Happiness Advocacy, Or, How Positive Psychology Will Save Us From Zombies by Annie Passanisi (18 pgs)

PS: If you find a good read on ChangeThis (or somewhere else), please share the link in a comment. I love suggestions and we can all benefit from increasingly valuable knowledge.


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